La Oferta



Mexican reporter puts faces on cases of disappearance and femicide

Mexico City, Oct 15 (EFE).- Journalist Lydiette Carrion gathers in her book “La fosa de agua” (The grave of water) her research into the disappearances and murders of women in Mexico’s central same-named state, cases about which – she said – the “concrete truth” must be uncovered. “Where are the teenagers who have disappeared? Who …

Mexican reporter puts faces on cases of disappearance and femicide Read More »

Scientists see modified seeds as key to preventing global food crisis

Mexico City, Oct 15 (EFE).- To feed the 10 billion people who are expected to inhabit the Earth in 2050, global food production must rise 50 percent over the next 32 years, a monumental challenge that modified seeds could help humanity take on successfully, scientists told EFE. “Humanity is facing several challenges due to population …

Scientists see modified seeds as key to preventing global food crisis Read More »

The Americas’ oldest legible codex illustrates Mayan prophecies

By Zoilo Carrillo Mexico City, Oct. 13 (EFE).- Stored away as a precious ancient treasure in a gallery of the National Anthropology Museum is Mexico’s Mayan codex, the oldest legible manuscript of the Americas, whose drawings illustrate the prophecies made by stargazing Mayas from what they observed in the night sky. Though for years some …

The Americas’ oldest legible codex illustrates Mayan prophecies Read More »

Mexican festival pays tribute to Bollywood

Guanajuato, Mexico, Oct 11 (EFE).- The dance spectacle “A Passage to Bollywood,” mounted and directed by Indian choreographer Ashley Lobo, opened the Festival Internacional Cervantino (FIC), which runs until Oct. 28 in the Mexican city of Guanajuato, with India as the invited country of honor. The choreography, performed by Lobo’s dance company, the Navdhara India …

Mexican festival pays tribute to Bollywood Read More »

Consulado a tu lado: Plan de Emergencias Familiares

Por Juan Manuel Calderón Jaimes, Cónsul General de México en San José Cada semana, en el área de atención al público del Consulado General de México en San José, ofrecemos talleres informativos sobre distintos temas que tienen el objetivo de empoderar a nuestra comunidad de origen mexicano con información y recursos que pueden ayudarles en …

Consulado a tu lado: Plan de Emergencias Familiares Read More »

Home of monarch butterflies in Mexico experiences drop in deforestation

Mexico City, Oct 9 (EFE).- The deforestation of Mexico’s Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve experienced a 57 percent drop in 2018 compared to the previous year, according to a report released by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) on Tuesday. In a press release, the organization informed that only 6.7 hectares (16.6 acres) were ravaged from February …

Home of monarch butterflies in Mexico experiences drop in deforestation Read More »

Ciudad de México se llenará de color en Día de Muertos dedicado a migrantes

México, 8 oct (EFE).- La Ciudad de México volverá a teñirse de color y tradición con la celebración del Día de Muertos, que este año estará dedicado a los migrantes, tanto a los llegados a la capital como a los que salen de sus países arriesgando su vida. Del 27 de octubre al 4 de …

Ciudad de México se llenará de color en Día de Muertos dedicado a migrantes Read More »

Tijuana impulsa programa de empleo para migrantes que no logran cruzar a Estados Unidos

Tijuana (México), 5 oct (EFE).- El Ayuntamiento de la norteña ciudad mexicana de Tijuana informó hoy que puso en marcha un programa de empleo para personas migrantes que tuvieron que asentarse en esta municipio fronterizo al fracasar en su intento de cruzar a Estados Unidos. El secretario de Desarrollo Social de Tijuana, Mario Osuna Jiménez, …

Tijuana impulsa programa de empleo para migrantes que no logran cruzar a Estados Unidos Read More »

Nopal: Mexican cultural symbol with medicinal and agricultural uses

Mexico City, Oct 4 (EFE).- Nopal, commonly known in English as prickly pear, is so widespread in Mexico that it has become one of the country’s main cultural symbols, yet the plant also offers multiple medicinal and agricultural uses. The cactus, which can grow in arid and semi-arid soils without the need for much water, …

Nopal: Mexican cultural symbol with medicinal and agricultural uses Read More »