La Oferta


SJ History

Chinese dignitaries visit schools in East San Jose

May 19th, 1999 By Yolanda Reynolds Photos By Mary Andrade Last Monday, 55 distinguished visitors from mainland China visited Silicon Valley. The group included dignitaries from the Provinces of Yunnan and Beijing. The trip here is intended to encourage cultural exchange, respect for language and cultural differences and to promote exploratory discussions for teacher and …

Chinese dignitaries visit schools in East San Jose Read More »

Frustrated Alum Rock parents speak out on sick-outs

April 28th, 1999 By Yolanda Reynolds “I don’t understand the sickouts, the children are suffering,” said ACORN spokeswoman Yvonne Vasquez. She announced that some parents involved in a group named “Parents for Legal Action” were seeking legal counsel in order to take action to stop the sick-outs and disruption in the instructional and support programs …

Frustrated Alum Rock parents speak out on sick-outs Read More »

Countywide Violence Prevention Program inches towards implementation

March 31, 1999 By Yolanda Reynolds “Are we selling our children to Budweiser and Miller — we should be telling our children it is not nice to drink,” Florencio Rodarte told the County Board of Supervisors last week. Rodaite is a long-time San Jose resident and community advocate. He testified at the recent County hearings …

Countywide Violence Prevention Program inches towards implementation Read More »

Will the Education Reform ultimately help or hurt our children 

March 24, 1999 By Yolanda Reynolds Reform of education is on the mind of the entire community, including parents, teachers, students and almost every elected official from the local level on to the Congress and the White House. The newly elected California Governor, Democrat Gray Davis, has set, as a priority, reforms intended to improve …

Will the Education Reform ultimately help or hurt our children  Read More »

Historic events in Chiapas catapult lawyer/ publisher Avendaño to seek “justice, dignity and democracy” for indigenous people

March 10, 1999 By Yolanda Reynolds A noted Chiapaneco, newsman and “accidental” politician, Amado Avendaño, was in San Jose last week. Avendaño has become a hero among activists seeking democracy, justice and liberty for the Zapatistas and for all people. Although the Mayan people have long been struggling because of the many injustices they have …

Historic events in Chiapas catapult lawyer/ publisher Avendaño to seek “justice, dignity and democracy” for indigenous people Read More »

“Reduce overcrowding in Alum Rock schools, build a new school” – ACORN

February 17, 1999 By Yolanda Reynolds ACORN (Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now) held a ‘rally for a new school’ to alleviate the severe overcrowding of classrooms in the Alum Rock Elementary Unified School District, located on the east side of San Jose. ACORN invited important elected officials to this meeting in hopes that …

“Reduce overcrowding in Alum Rock schools, build a new school” – ACORN Read More »

Pacific Bell awards grants to Mayfair community base organizations

January 27, 1999 By Yolanda Reynolds Photos by Mary Andrade Last Thursday, Mexican Heritage Corporation officials proudly announced a grant of $100,000 from Pacific Bell for projects sought by the membership of the Mayfair Neighborhood Improvement Initiative. The Mayfair Neighborhood Improvement Initiative is a collaborative effort that includes the Alum Rock Elementary School District, the …

Pacific Bell awards grants to Mayfair community base organizations Read More »

Newly elected Governor Gray Davis highlights education in his visit in San Jose

January 20, 1999 By Yolanda Reynolds Photos by Mary Andrade Last Friday our newly elected California governor, Gray Davis came to San Jose for a visit. He was the keynote speaker at the annual Bay Area Council Conference which, this year, was held here. Before he spoke to the membership of this powerful and influential …

Newly elected Governor Gray Davis highlights education in his visit in San Jose Read More »

Centuries old tradition captured in a recently published book

September 2, 1998 By Yolanda Reynolds Photos by Carlota Roa People are interested in the fascinating and age old tradition of the Día de los Muertos will be delighted to see the newly published book entitled, “A través de los Ojos del Alma, Día de Muertos en México” (Through the eyes of the Soul, Day …

Centuries old tradition captured in a recently published book Read More »

Valley Medical Center assures access to health care to present and future generations

October 28, 1998 By Yolanda Reynolds Healthy Families program available to low income county residents The dedication of the new wing of the Valley Medical Center last week, Oct. 16, will stand as one of the proudest and most timely events to take place in this valley. It is timely because, in this decade, the …

Valley Medical Center assures access to health care to present and future generations Read More »