La Oferta


Amazon Expands while Congress Makes Postal Service Fund Retiree Benefits 75 Years in Advance

The U.S. Postal Service is facing a new threat in Amazon’s rapid expansion, but financial baggage heaped on it by Congress makes it even harder to compete. The postal service is subject to a 2006 law that requires it to prepay workers’ retirement health care benefits 75 years into the future. It’s owned by the …

Amazon Expands while Congress Makes Postal Service Fund Retiree Benefits 75 Years in Advance Read More »

Atrapado Entre el Covid-19 y la Lucha Migratoria, Albergue en la Frontera EU-México Lucha

Las dificultades de los ancianos, enfermos mentales, discapacitados fí­sicos y las personas sin hogar en la frontera entre los Estados Unidos y México a menudo se pierden en el caos de la lucha migratoria. Durante los últimos años, el Albergue Centauro Sifuentes, organización sin fines de lucro en Coahuila, México, ha tratado de cambiar esta …

Atrapado Entre el Covid-19 y la Lucha Migratoria, Albergue en la Frontera EU-México Lucha Read More »

As Children Haul Books to Class, a Beeping Bag Offers a Warning

NEW DELHI – Schoolchildren in India often have to carry their book bags with them throughout the day, as few educational systems provide lockers, where students can leave their textbooks, lunch boxes, art supplies and other school materials like their American counterparts. Now, there’s a device to help schools determine if students’ bags are too …

As Children Haul Books to Class, a Beeping Bag Offers a Warning Read More »