La Oferta


Mary Andrade

Mexican gov’t unveils $5.5 bn package to support ailing Pemex

Mexico City, Feb 15 (EFE).- Mexico’s government on Friday unveiled a 107-billion-peso ($5.5-billion) aid package in 2019 for state oil company Petroleos Mexicanos (Pemex), which is struggling with sky-high debt and has seen its output plummet over the past 15 years. “We’ll be presenting what will be the first injection of funds to support Pemex,” …

Mexican gov’t unveils $5.5 bn package to support ailing Pemex Read More »

El jefe de las tropas en Siria critica decisión de retirar a soldados

Washington, 15 feb (EFE).- El general Joseph Votel, jefe del Mando Central (CENTCOM) de las Fuerzas Armadas, expresó hoy su malestar con la decisión del presidente Donald Trump de retirar las tropas de Siria al considerar que no se puede proclamar aún la victoria sobre el grupo terrorista Estado Islámico (EI). “Cuando yo diga que …

El jefe de las tropas en Siria critica decisión de retirar a soldados Read More »

Argentina records yearly inflation of 49.3 percent, highest since 1991

Buenos Aires, Feb 14 (EFE).- Inflation in Argentina rose to 49.3 percent year-on-year in January, according to data released Thursday by the National Institute of Statistics and Census (INDEC), a figure that even surpasses the 2018 figure of 47.6 percent, setting a new record since 1991. In the first month of the year, the Consumer …

Argentina records yearly inflation of 49.3 percent, highest since 1991 Read More »

Crisis in Haiti worsens as its president remains silent

Port-au-Prince, Feb 14 (EFE).- The political and economic crisis in Haiti continues to worsen on Thursday, eight days after violent protests began against the government of the country’s president, Jovenel Moise, who remains silent. The protests began on Feb. 7, coinciding with the second anniversary of Moise’s rise to power, whose resignation the protesters demand …

Crisis in Haiti worsens as its president remains silent Read More »

Trump declares nat’l emergency to build wall on US-Mexico border

Washington, Feb 15 (EFE).– President Donald Trump declared a national emergency on Friday with the goal of bypassing Congress and securing billions of dollars in additional funding to build a wall on the United States’ border with Mexico. In remarks at the White House, Trump said the move was necessary to stop an “invasion of …

Trump declares nat’l emergency to build wall on US-Mexico border Read More »

Guaidó recauda 100 millones de dólares en un gesto de fortaleza internacional

Washington, 14 feb (EFE).- El líder opositor Juan Guaidó ha recaudado más de 100 millones de dólares para la crisis venezolana desde que se declaró en enero presidente interino del país, un gesto con el que busca mostrar fortaleza ante la comunidad internacional. La cifra de más de 100 millones de dólares fue anunciada hoy …

Guaidó recauda 100 millones de dólares en un gesto de fortaleza internacional Read More »

White House confirms Trump to sign budget bill, will declare nat’l emergency

Washington, Feb 14 (EFE).- The White House on Thursday confirmed that President Donald Trump will sign the budget bill to be presented to him by Congress and will also declare a national emergency, which will enable him to take money from other budgetary line items to finance construction of his much-touted US-Mexico border wall. “President …

White House confirms Trump to sign budget bill, will declare nat’l emergency Read More »

Senate confirms Barr as US attorney general

Washington, Feb 14 (EFE).- The full Senate on Thursday confirmed William Barr as US attorney general, thus handing him the authority to supervise the ongoing independent investigation into alleged Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election. Barr, who served as attorney general during the early 1990s and was nominated for the post again by President …

Senate confirms Barr as US attorney general Read More »

Arreaza dice que Guaidó no controla nada y que su “golpe” ha fracasado

Naciones Unidas, 14 feb (EFE).- El canciller venezolano, Jorge Arreaza, aseguró este jueves que el líder del Parlamento, Juan Guaidó, quien se proclamó presidente interino del país, “no tiene control de nada” en Venezuela y defendió que el “golpe de Estado” alentado por Estados Unidos ha fracasado. “El impulso del golpe de Estado que el …

Arreaza dice que Guaidó no controla nada y que su “golpe” ha fracasado Read More »