La Oferta


Mary Andrade

El Congreso planta cara a Trump con medida para bloquear emergencia

Washington, 26 feb (EFE).- La mayoría demócrata en la Cámara Baja aprobó hoy una resolución con la que busca anular la polémica emergencia nacional decretada por el presidente, Donald Trump, para financiar el muro con México. La iniciativa quedó aprobada con 245 votos a favor y 182 en contra. Trece congresistas republicanos desobedecieron las órdenes …

El Congreso planta cara a Trump con medida para bloquear emergencia Read More »

NBA All-Star Abdul-Jabbar auctions 4 champion rings for educational charity

International Sports Desk, USA, Feb 26 (EFE).- Legendary center Kareem Abdul-Jabbar is auctioning hundreds of items from his memorabilia collection, including four of his five NBA championship rings he won with the Los Angeles Lakers, his website announced Tuesday. Most of the proceeds from the auction, which is run by Goldin Auctions, will go to …

NBA All-Star Abdul-Jabbar auctions 4 champion rings for educational charity Read More »

Janitors seek justice and expect improvements in pay and working conditions

April 10, 1996 By Yolanda Reynolds Photos by Mary J. Andrade The Justice for Janitors campaign that began a number of years ago, is pressing forward in a quest for justice and fairness. In this valley with many of the world’s leading hi-tech companies, and where owners, executives and investors are reaping millions in profits …

Janitors seek justice and expect improvements in pay and working conditions Read More »

Congreso cita a declarar miembros del Gobierno de Trump por separación niños

Washington, 26 feb (EFE).- El Comité de Supervisión de la Cámara de Representantes citó hoy a declarar a tres altos cargos del Gobierno del presidente Donald Trump por la política de “tolerancia cero” implementada el año pasado, que causó miles de separaciones familiares de inmigrantes en la frontera con México. “Creo que esta es una …

Congreso cita a declarar miembros del Gobierno de Trump por separación niños Read More »

Mexico’s president calls for dialogue to resolve Venezuelan crisis

Mexico City, Feb 26 (EFE).- Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador on Tuesday called for dialogue to find a “peaceful solution” to the crisis in Venezuela and defended freedom of speech after a crew from the Univision network was briefly detained in the South American country while interviewing the president. “I respectfully call on the …

Mexico’s president calls for dialogue to resolve Venezuelan crisis Read More »

Voters approve controversial power project in central Mexico

Mexico City, Feb 25 (EFE).- Voters in several dozen cities in three Mexican states over the weekend approved a controversial power project opposed by grassroots groups and residents of affected communities. The final tally was 59.5 percent of the ballots cast in favor and 40.1 percent against the Proyecto Integral Morelos, a result that President …

Voters approve controversial power project in central Mexico Read More »

Gov’t says 87 pct of Cuban voters approved new constitution

Havana, Feb 25 (EFE).– Nearly 87 percent of the more than 7.8 million voters who cast ballots in a referendum on a proposed new constitution endorsed the document, Cuba’s National Electoral Commission (CEN) said Monday. Turnout for Sunday’s referendum was 84.4 percent, CEN chair Alina Balseiro told a press conference in Havana. The vote in …

Gov’t says 87 pct of Cuban voters approved new constitution Read More »

Pelosi apela a los republicanos para impedir “saqueo” presupuestario de Trump

Washington, 26 feb (EFE).- La líder de la mayoría demócrata en la Cámara de Representantes, Nancy Pelosi, hizo hoy un llamamiento a sus “colegas” del Partido Republicano para actuar contra “el saqueo” presupuestario que, afirmó, supone la declaración de emergencia nacional firmada por el presidente Donald Trump hace diez días. “Esta declaración supone el saqueo …

Pelosi apela a los republicanos para impedir “saqueo” presupuestario de Trump Read More »