Measure A 2016 Affordable Housing Bond funds 19 housing developments in less than two years
SANTA CLARA COUNTY, CA— Today, the County of Santa Clara Board of Supervisors approved $123 million from the Measure A Affordable Housing Bond for nine supportive housing and affordable housing developments, a significant milestone in the County’s efforts to increase the supply of multi-family rental, affordable and supportive housing in the community.
“The funding approved for nine housing developments is another significant milestone in addressing the need for innovative and effective housing solutions in Santa Clara County,” said Supervisor Joe Simitian, President of the Board of Supervisors.
“Our efforts to create affordable and supportive housing is benefiting families, veterans, teachers, nurses, single parents, senior citizens, the disabled, foster youth, the homeless, and individuals with special needs in our community. It’s not enough, but it’s real and tangible progress.”
Today’s actions add $123 million to the $111 million in Housing Bond funds the Board committed last fiscal year that funded the first 10 housing developments. So far, the County has committed a total of $234 million of 2016 Measure A funding toward housing for extremely low and very low-income households, including disabled homeless persons, disabled veterans, and working families. The developments span six cities, including San Jose, Santa Clara, Milpitas, Cupertino, Gilroy and Morgan Hill.
“Through the leadership of our Board of Supervisors, the guiding efforts of our Office of Supportive Housing, and the collaboration of our dedicated partners, we are fulfilling the vision of the Measure A Affordable Housing Bond and creating a stronger community,” said Miguel Márquez, County of Santa Clara Chief Operating Officer.
Prior to passage of the voter-approved Measure A Affordable Housing Bond in 2016, there were only about 250 supportive housing apartments in Santa Clara County. Since 2015, with the implementation of the Measure A Affordable Housing Bond, the County and its partners have increased supportive housing in Santa Clara County by 1,537 apartments. Of these units, 151 are currently in operation, 586 are under construction, and 800 are in the pipeline.
“To achieve that outcome, we set a goal of 4800 new homes and now we are up to 1,416. That is 30 percent progress toward our 10-year goal in just two years. By sticking to our plan, we are keeping our word with voters,” said Supervisor Cindy Chavez.
From the $123 million approved today, up to $94 million will go toward six new construction projects and up to $29,150,000 will be used to support three acquisition and rehabilitation projects. The $123 million contribution from the County will be nearly one third of the total estimated development costs of $451,159,676 for the nine projects.
The six new construction projects will result in 620 new apartments, including: 202 apartments for permanent supportive housing (PSH) to help individuals and families with special needs obtain and maintain permanent housing; 54 apartments for rapid rehousing (RRH) to help homeless individuals and families find permanent homes; 110 apartments will be affordable to extremely low income (ELI) households; 120 apartments will be affordable to very-low income (VLI) households; 125 apartments will be affordable to low-income (LI) households, those who are earning between 51% and 80% of the area median income (AMI); and nine apartments will be for resident managers.[1]
“These new projects are much more than just affordable housing; we’re helping some of our most vulnerable residents. Projects in midtown San Jose and Santa Clara will have significant numbers of apartments dedicated to those with special needs and to homeless seniors. These will save lives,” said Supervisor Ken Yeager.
The three new acquisition and rehabilitation projects will provide 484 apartments, including 201 apartments to increase housing for vulnerable populations. Of the 201 apartments, 130 apartments will be used as permanent supportive housing to help individuals and families with special needs to obtain and maintain permanent housing; and 71 apartments will be used as rapid rehousing to help homeless individuals and families transition in place. Transitioning in place allows individuals and families to remain in one affordable apartment unit without having to move multiple times as they move out of homelessness into permanent, stable housing.
“Many families and elderly in our community struggle to find stable, permanent housing,” said Supervisor Mike Wasserman. “I’m proud to be a small part of the solution for this ongoing housing crisis affecting our most vulnerable populations.”
While most of the apartments in the nine proposed developments will be studios or one-bedroom apartments, a total of 134 two- and three-bedroom apartments will provide much needed affordable and supportive housing to lower-income families with children. Two of the proposed new construction developments will include 308 apartments strictly dedicated to senior housing.
“The Housing Bond provides the means for the County to give our community’s most vulnerable residents a fresh start,” said Supervisor Dave Cortese. “A critical component of our effort is the supportive services the County will provide as part of our commitment to increasing housing opportunities.”
A family of four is considered to have an extremely low income if they earn less than $39,900 annually; a family of four is considered to have a very low income if they earn more than $39,900, but less than $66,500; a family of four is considered to have a low income if they earn more than $66,500, but less than $94,450. Income thresholds are maintained and updated by the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) at
The 2016 voter-approved $950 million Affordable Housing Bond is projected to fund 120 new affordable housing developments over 10 years, including 4,800 new apartments dedicated to extremely low-income and very low-income households. In addition, the County will establish rental and ownership opportunities for moderate income households. The Housing Bond will enhance the County’s ability to achieve its housing priorities which include: increasing the scope and breadth of supportive housing for special needs populations, including homeless and chronically homeless persons; increasing the supply of housing that is affordable to extremely low income households; and improving coordination and collaboration among the County, the cities, other governmental agencies, and the affordable housing community. For more information, visit
The County of Santa Clara government serves a diverse, multi-cultural population of 1.9 million residents in Santa Clara County, the sixth largest county in California. With a $7 billion budget, more than 70 agencies/departments and 20,000 employees, the County of Santa Clara plans for the needs of a dynamic community, offers quality services, and promotes a healthy, safe and prosperous community for all. The County provides essential services including public health and environmental protection, medical and preventative services through Santa Clara Valley Health & Hospital System, child and adult protection services, homelessness prevention and solutions, roads, parks, libraries, emergency response to disasters, protection of minority communities and those under threat, access to a fair criminal justice system, and scores of other services, particularly for those members of our community in the greatest need.