La Oferta


Sam Liccardo Responds to Zillow Report on Housing Costs in San Jose

Broad Coalition to Support Measure V Seeks to “Make Room for Us”

San Jose, CA – In the wake of a national report identifying San Jose as the least affordable metropolitan area in the United States, Mayor Sam Liccardo has called for San Jose voters to pass Measure V to create more affordable housing for working and middle-class families.

“It’s time to provide meaningful housing solutions to keep our working parents, seniors, veterans, teachers and nurses in San Jose,” said Mayor Liccardo. “San Jose has the least affordable metropolitan housing market in the U.S. While we have come a long way in building a safer and stronger city, we have more work to do to make San Jose a place where our children can afford to live when they’re grown. I urge all San Jose residents to join me in voting for Measure V this November to help provide housing solutions that allow our residents to stay in San Jose.”

San Jose needs meaningful housing solutions to combat the rising cost of rent that has pushed many residents out of San Jose – and left other struggling to buy their basic necessities while still being able to pay their rent. Measure V is a $450 million housing bond measure that is supported by a wide group of community stakeholders, including the League of Women Voters, the Sierra Club, Habitat for Humanity, the Silicon Valley Leadership Group, Housing Trust Silicon Valley, Catholic Charities and the California Alliance for Jobs.

“The rising cost of housing hurts low and middle-income residents the most. Too many of our neighbors are being priced out of San Jose – and many others are being pushed onto our streets,” said Mayor Liccardo. “Measure V will help expand access to affordable housing and help chronically homeless residents get off our streets and into safe and stable housing. For this reason, we should all fight for Measure V.”

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