La Oferta


US to assign judges, attorney generals to migration caravan cases

Washington DC, Apr 23 (EFE).- The United States Attorney General, Monday ordered to assign prosecutors and judges to immediately deal with cases of undocumented immigrants arriving in the country in the migratory caravan

US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary, Kirstjen M. Nielsen, speaks to DHS employees at the US Border Patrol El Centro station in Imperial, California, USA, 18 April 2018. Nielsen visited the construction sites where the US-Mexico border wall is being upgraded. EFE

“I have directed our U.S. Attorneys at the border to take whatever immediate action to ensure that we have sufficient prosecutors available. I have also directed that we commit any additional necessary immigration judges to adjudicate any cases that may arise from this caravan,” Jeff Sessions said in a statement.

These judges and prosecutors will be in charge of processing the detentions and expulsions of the immigrants, a process that can normally take years, during which immigrants are usually authorized to work in the United States.

The attorney general also warned “there is no right to demand entry without justification” and “those who lie or commit fraud will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.”

Besides, the Homeland Security Secretary, Kirstjen Nielsen, announced Monday that the Government is taking a series of measures to ensure that all immigration cases are resolved in the courts as soon as possible.

Nielsen announced sending the US Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS) officials to handle the asylum cases and attorneys of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement, which is in charge of detaining undocumented immigrants.

US media reported the arrival in California last week of 50 members of a caravan of Central American immigrants, who traveled through Mexico for weeks and officially ended their trip early April in Mexico City.

The caravan comprised 1,500 people and, as it moved ahead, the US President Donald Trump ordered deployment of the National Guard, a reserve corps of the Armed Forces that currently has some 900 members in the border area, according to official data.

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