La Oferta



March 19, 1994

By Yolanda Reynolds

La Oferta Newspaper.

This Thursday noon, March 17 San Jose Councilwoman Blanca Alvarado endorsed Zoe Lofgren, a candidate for the 16th Congressional District. This District has long been represented by Don Edwards who recently announced that he was retiring from public office.

Alvarado, surrounded by supporters, cited many reasons for her endorsement of Lofgren. Primary among them was Lofgren’s long time commitment to fundamental community interests, especially the needs of children, women’s issues and educating.

Alvarado, explained that Council District 5 is included in Congressional District 16 and that, in Lofgren, she saw an advocate for communities.

Alvarado explained that the press conference held Gardner Health Center because of Lofgren’s long time advocacy for and support of health care services for people, especially needy children and their mothers.

Alvarado’s comments seemed to be a chronology of the traits missing from Lofgren’s major opponent in this race, Tom McEnery. To many San Joseans he is perceived as a spokesperson for the privileged who are more concerned with buildings and image than the quality of life issues such as quality education, safe neighborhoods, child care, access to health care, and job opportunities all fundamentals in a prosperous community.

After the formal announcement, Alvarado remarked that it is essential that all San Joseans vote this June. Votes do count, and sometimes each vote is so important that elections are won or lost because of a difference of a handful of votes.

In order to vote in the primaries on June 7, a citizen must be registered by May 7. Registration is required if a citizen has never voted before, moved and cannot vote at the old address, or has failed to vote for some time.

Voter registration forms are available in libraries or by contacting the Registrar of voters at 298-7505. © La Oferta Newspaper.


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