Washington, Jan 28 (EFE).- The president of the United States on Saturday signed an executive order giving the Defense Department 30 days to present a strategy for defeating the Islamic State terrorist group.
Donald Trump also signed another order to reorganize the White House National Security Council, a forum the US president uses to address issues of national security and foreign policy with advisers and cabinet members.
The president signed a third order which bans administration officials from lobbying and puts in place a lifelong ban on officials lobbying for foreign countries.
After signing the order to defeat the IS, Trump said, “This is the plan to defeat the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (another name for the IS). I think it’s going to be very successful.”
“That’s big stuff,” the US leader told reporters after signing the executive orders, accompanied by his Vice President Mike Pence and other members of his government.
According to the document, the plan must include a “comprehensive strategy” to defeat the IS.
Trump also asked the Pentagon to recommend changes to the “rules of engagement and other United States policy restrictions that exceed the requirements of international law regarding the use of force” against the terror group.
The plan must include “mechanisms to cut off or seize ISIS’s financial support, including financial transfers, money laundering, oil revenue, human trafficking, sales of looted art and historical artifacts, and other revenue sources”.
Moreover, the president hopes the Pentagon identifies “new coalition partners in the fight against ISIS and policies to empower coalition partners to fight ISIS and its affiliates”.
The president signed the executive order a day after signing another order “to keep radical Islamic terrorists out of the United States of America” and which calls for the suspension of all refugee arrivals for 120 days.
It also suspends for 90 days the issuing of visas to all citizens of a number of predominantly Islamic countries including Libya, Sudan, Somalia, Syria, Iraq, Yemen and Iran, until a process of extreme vetting is adopted.
“We want to ensure that we are not admitting into our country the very threats our soldiers are fighting overseas. We only want to admit those into our country who will support our country and love deeply our people,” Trump had said Friday after signing the order.
Trump firma una orden para tener en 30 días un plan para derrotar al Estado Islámico
El presidente Donald Trump firmó hoy una orden ejecutiva dando instrucciones al Pentágono para que presente en 30 días una estrategia para derrotar al grupo yihadista Estado Islámico (EI).
“Ese es el plan para derrotar al Estado Islámico de Irak y Siria. En otras palabras, el Estado Islámico. Creo que va a ser muy exitoso”, afirmó Trump mientras firmaba el decreto en el Despacho Oval, acompañado de su vicepresidente, Mike Pence, entre otros miembros de su Gobierno.
“Eso es una gran cosa”, agregó el mandatario ante los periodistas.
El presidente rubricó el documento un día después de firmar otra orden, con el fin de “proteger al país de la entrada de terroristas extranjeros”, que suspende el acceso a Estados Unidos de todos los refugiados durante 120 días.
También suspende la concesión durante 90 días de visados a siete países de mayoría musulmana con historial terrorista -Libia, Sudán, Somalia, Siria, Irak, Yemen e Irán- hasta que se establezcan nuevos mecanismos de escrutinio.
“Nos queremos asegurar de que no admitimos al país a la misma amenaza a nuestros soldados que combaten en el extranjero. Solo queremos admitir a aquellos que apoyan nuestro país y aman profundamente a nuestro pueblo”, afirmó Trump este viernes al firmar la orden en la sede del Pentágono.
El magnate también rubricó hoy una segunda orden para reorganizar el Consejo de Seguridad Nacional de la Casa Blanca, foro que usa el presidente para abordar asuntos de seguridad nacional y política exterior con asesores y miembros de su gabinete.
Trump firmó asimismo una tercera orden para decretar una prohibición para que funcionarios de la Administración no puedan participar en grupos de presión, así como una prohibición de por vida en caso de presionar en favor de otros países.