La Oferta


Love, Scandal, Betrayal, Renewal, The Female Spirit Prevails

Claremont, CA, November 21, 2021 – In today’s age of the historic, Women’s March, the #MeToo movement, and the continued fight for women to have control over their bodies, a novel based in Ecuador South America, one hundred years earlier, reflects the dramatic uphill challenges women face all over the world.

Defiance and Redemption is a historical fiction novel based on true events told by the author about her mother’s life. It is a story about love and passion, disgrace, and shame but above all, it is a story about the courage and the power of women to stick together to achieve their dreams! The main character, Eva Alisio is a proud, strong-willed, young woman who falls in love at the tender age of sixteen with a national sports hero and has a child out of wedlock. Her decision to keep her baby after her dreams of marriage fail brings her ostracism from her family, friends, and society. Eva will persevere in her determination to defy the forces around her. She will rail against the misogynistic, cultural, and religious views of her day. With perseverance and courage, she will achieve her dream of self-determination. She achieves that goal with the support of her sister Victoria and their loyal friend Marta. They too will face personal dramas. Yet the women’s bond will help them overcome, their challenges. The vision they share will lead them to a new life of freedom for themselves as well as their children when they choose to risk all and immigrate together to the United States.

The author was inspired by true-life events and the sisterhood of three women in her family who supported each other for eighty years and lived until their late nineties. This story describes the first third of their lives when they were young women beginning their story.

What people are saying about Defiance and Redemption:

Based on a true story, Defiance and Redemption, A Lifetime of Unbroken Bonds, takes the reader through three decades in the life of a vivacious, loving, but conflicted multigenerational family in 20th century Ecuador. The young women’s bond of love, humor, pride, and perseverance, carries them through ordinary and extraordinary losses and triumphs, and ultimately to their destiny in the United States

Nancy Mintie, Attorney & Founder, Uncommon Good

Reading Defiance and Redemption, reminded me of a distant time when I read, Love in the Time of Cholera by Gabriel Garcia Marquez, and Like Water for Chocolate, by Laura Esquivel. Like these writers, Maria Andrade took me through a captivating journey of love and deep passion. Being gripped by the strong emotions that the characters possess and what they did, in the end, moved me profoundly.

Defiance and Redemption, A Lifetime of Unbroken Bonds, a Fiction Novel by Maria J. Andrade is now available on –

Desafío y redención, Una vida de vínculos intactos, da vida a las alegrías, los dramas y los triunfos de dos hermanas, Eva y Victoria Alisio, y su leal amiga Marta. Eva, una joven orgullosa y de fuerte carácter, desafía a su familia, a la sociedad y a la cultura. Ella enfrenta al escándalo y a la desgracia, por su aventura amorosa prohibida. Victoria se encuentra en el centro de un conflicto multi-generacional cuando su benefactor le otorga una gran herencia excluyendo a los legítimos herederos. Marta, fiel al vínculo de la infancia con las hermanas Alisio, aporta humor y apoyo a sus giros de fortuna.

Desafío y redención, una vida de vínculos intactos, es una novela importante sobre las mujeres del siglo XX, una épica absorbente que atraviesa décadas y destinos. Mezcla acontecimientos personales e históricos en un relato colectivo de autodeterminación, amor y hermandad.

María Donovan, Retired Verizon Executive

About The Author: 

Maria J. Andrade was born in Ecuador, South America, and raised in New York and California. She has a Bachelor of Arts degree in English literature and a Master of Science degree in Counseling Psychology. As a licensed therapist and writer, Maria has been diving into other people’s minds and her own, through dreams, poetry, and writing for over three decades. She traveled with the Four Winds Society where she studied and was initiated into Andean shamanism in 1990.

Maria Andrade’s books for children and adults is found in a variety of genres. This is an unforgettable first novel that reflects her imagination and creative storytelling.

For signed copies of her books go to::

Clara Publishing & Spiro Books

ISBN 1-7342900-6-6 – 274 pages, hardcove

ISBN 1-7342900-5-9 274 pages (soft cover)

ISBN 1-7342900-8-0 Spanish Edition

available in e-pub, .mobi & kdp



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