Boosters strongly urged for all people 65 years of age and older, residents of long term care facilities, and people 50 years and older with underlying medical conditions. Many others will also benefit from a booster and are encouraged to get one.
Santa Clara County – Along with COVID-19 Pfizer booster vaccinations, the County of Santa Clara will now administer booster shots to those who received the Johnson & Johnson or Moderna vaccine and are eligible under CDC guidelines. County clinics are taking appointments at and everyone eligible is encouraged to receive a booster shot.
“We now understand that the protection from the initial vaccine series may decrease over time, and a booster shot is highly effective in preventing serious hospitalization and death,” said Dr. Sara Cody, Health Officer and Director of Public Health for the County of Santa Clara. “We especially urge everyone 65 and older to receive the booster shot, as well as anyone who lives in a long term care facility, and anyone 50 years and older who has an underlying medical condition.”
People who received their initial series with any of the three COVID vaccines (Johnson & Johnson, Pfizer, and Moderna) may now be eligible for a booster. Boosters are recommended for:
- Everyone 18 and older who received their Johnson & Johnson shot 2 or more months ago.
- Most people who received their Pfizer or Moderna shot 6 or more months ago:
- Those who are 65+, 18 and older living in a long term care facility, or are 50+ with an underlying condition, are strongly urged to get their booster as soon as possible.
- Those who are 18 and older and have an underlying medical condition, or work in a setting that may increase their risk of exposure, may also consider getting a booster.
As of October 21, just 74,290 members of the Santa Clara County community had received their booster shot and only 39% of eligible people age 65 and older had received one. People who are at increased risk of hospitalization because of age or underlying condition are strongly encouraged to get a booster shot as soon as possible. The booster shot provides extra protection from hospitalization and death.
For eligible individuals who live, work, or go to school in Santa Clara County, boosters are available at five large-scale vaccination locations and multiple smaller sites by visiting, with many locations accepting drop-in patients. Additionally, many doctor offices and pharmacies provide COVID-19 boosters. Vaccinations through the County are no-cost to the public, insurance is not required, and there are no immigration requirements.
The CDC definition of an underlying medical condition is very broad, and a significant portion of the population qualifies for a booster.
Vaccinations are the number one tool for preventing hospitalizations and deaths from COVID-19. It’s important to be vaccinated as quickly as possible if you haven’t done so already and to get the booster when eligible.