SAN JOSÉ, CA – Today, the family of former two-term Mayor, Susan Hammer, shared the news of her passing with the San José community. Mayor Sam Liccardo released the following statement, reflecting on Mayor Hammer’s lasting impression, and her work to champion a diverse San José:
“Susan was an extraordinary role model for me and entire generations of aspiring leaders. She was a study in contrasts—she had a deep commitment to underserved communities, a steadfast

civility in the face of heated disagreement, and a genuine humility despite her tremendous professional and personal accomplishment. I’ll remember forever the bookends of my life experiences with Susan: we first met when I was a young candidate for city council, and I drove to her and Phil’s house. She magnanimously shared time, advice, and encouragement with me, just before my Chrysler broke down in her driveway. She didn’t bat an eye—she helped me get a ride, and let the car sit at her house until I could get it towed the next day. Yesterday, I was blessed to share a few moments with her and her loving family in her final hours. Susan made San José a place for compassionate action, for artistic celebration, and for youthful aspiration. I know I’m not alone in saying that I will miss her tremendously.”