La Oferta


Two bird species sighted for 1st time in Peru nature preserve

Lima, Oct 1 (EFE).– Two species of birds have been sighted for the first time in a nature preserve on Peru’s northern coast, outside their natural habitats in Amazonia and the country’s mangrove areas, Peru’s protected areas service (Sernanp) announced Monday.

According to the report, the buff-rumped warbler (Phaeothlypis fulvicauda), which lives in forest ecosystems, was sighted for the first time by rangers in the Cerros de Amotape National Park, a preserve in the northern Tumbes region that contains dry tropical woodlands and the foothills of Peru’s northern mountain range.

Rangers also spotted in the same area – which has considerable biodiversity – a fasciated tiger heron (Tigrisoma fasciatum), a dry forest ecosystem species which until now had only been seen in Peru in places such as the Tumbes National Mangrove Sanctuary.

Sernanp said that the sightings of these two species in the Cerros de Amotape park is evidence of the area’s “good state of conservation” and “strengthens Sernanp’s commitment to promote scientific research into biodiversity and ecosystems, which contributes to their effective management.”

The park can be visited all year, and features hiking trails through hilly areas and ravines that enable visitors to see all sorts of flora and fauna. It is also possible to navigate park’s Tumbes River canyon.

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