Los Angeles, May 11 (EFE).- Spanish actor Antonio Banderas will portray the founder of the prestigious Lamborghini automobile line in a film that will also star Alec Baldwin, the online entertainment news magazine Deadline reported Thursday.

To be titled “Lamborghini – The Legend,” the film directed by Michael Radford, who also directed “The Merchant of Venice” (2004), will recount the life of Ferruccio Lamborghini and explore how he created his Italian automobile empire.
Banderas will play Lamborghini himself while Baldwin will take on the role of his rival, Enzo Ferrari.
Bobby Moresco, known for producing films such as “Crash” (2004) and “Million Dollar Baby” (2004), is in charge of preparing the screenplay based on the book entitled “Ferruccio Lamborghini. La storia ufficiale” (Ferruccio Lamborghini: The official story), written by the auto magnate’s son Tonino.
“My book is the only one perfectly respectful of the real life of my father, despite the numerous legends and anecdotes written or told by other people who were seeking a few minutes of fame,” the younger Lamborghini said.
“I really think that this film can translate into images and words Ferruccio’s great humanity and transmit to the viewers around the world my father’s personality: a man full of energy, charisma and passion,” he said.
Plans are to film the work in Italy and other locations this summer.
Banderas, who in 2016 starred in the film “Altamira,” in January suffered a heart attack from which he later said he had recovered without any serious problems.
“I suffered a heart attack on January 26, but I was very lucky, it was benign and didn’t leave any damage,” said the actor in March at the Malaga Film Festival, where he also said that the best portion of his career “is yet to come.”