Paulina Romero Martínez, nativa de California, nació en Santa Bárbara en 1907. Su madre vino de Inglaterra y su padre fue originario de Puerto Rico. Durante su niñez, su madre le relataba con frecuencia la historia de sus antepasados ingleses, así como de parientes lejanos.
La señora Martínez fue muy aficionada a la lectura y disfrutaba de libros que trataban de ciencia, de la edad espacial, misterios y aspectos místicos. “¡Es verdad, no es sólo la imaginación!”, comentaba. Si embargo su lectura favorita era sobre viajes, probablemente inspirada en los relatos que su madre le hacía cuando era una jovencita. “Su fuese rica viajaría mucho. Me fascina la idea de conocer otros países, aprender sobre su historia, tradiciones, costumbres”.
Ella junto con su hija Evelyn, eran miembros activas de Los Californios. “Cuando Evelyn me comunicó su deseo de escribir un libro sobre la historia de la familia, no lo podía creer porque se proyectaba como un trabajo enorme en ese momento. Pero, Evelyn siempre estuvo inspirada. Yo la acompañaba a las bibliotecas a buscar el material de investigación. Ella me sorprendió cuando completó el libro ‘La espina dorsal de mi familia’. Me siento muy orgullosa de ella, comentó la señora Paulina Romero Martínez, madre de cuatro hijos. © La Oferta Newspaper.
<Inglish version>

Paulina Romero Martinez was a native California, born in Santa Barbara in 1907. Her mother came from England. Paulina married and her husband, Antulo, came from Puerto Rico.
While growing up, her mother would often relate to her the history of their English background that included a distant relative, William Story, who was probably of royal blood.
Paulina Martínez loved to read unusual books about science, the space age, mysteries and the mystical, “It’s true, too, you know, not just fiction!” But her favorite reading was about travel probably inspired so much from the many tales her mother related to her while she was a youngster. “If I were rich, I would travel a lot. It fascinate me the idea to go to other countries and learn about their history, their traditions,” she told me.
She, along with her daughter Evelyn, were active members of Los Californios for more than five years. “When Evelyn told me about her desire to write a book about our family tree, I couldn’t believe it because it seemed such an enormous task at the time. But she was always inspired and I used to accompany her to libraries and look at the research materials. She surprised me when she completed the book ‘My Family Back Bone.’ ” Paulina was very proud of her daughter accomplishment.
Paulina Martinez had four children. © La Oferta Newspaper.