La Oferta


Author – Photo Journalist Mary J. Andrade launches Day of the Dead books in e-Book format

San Jose, CA – After decades of writing about Day of the Dead in a series of hard copy books, award-winning author Mary J. Andrade has released her book series in e-Book format.

Her e-Books are filled with rich and colorful photographs, capturing the essence and meaning of this one of a kind celebration. Mrs. Andrade has devoted her life to the research of Day of the Dead.

She has been recognized as an international authority on Day of the Dead, a celebration so unique in its form that it was named in 2003 a Masterpiece of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO.

“Technology has enabled us to make publishing more cost effective and easily accessible to more people at any time whether it’s for educational purposes in schools, for travel or just leisure reading about this unique celebration,” said Mary J. Andrade.

The e-Book format series can be found for sale on, Barnes & Noble,  KOBO Books and I-Tunes.

The list of e-Books includes: her most recent publication “Remembering a Beautiful Angel” written in English and Spanish which tells the story of two children, Soledad and Juanito as they prepare to celebrate Day of the Dead with their family.

“Day of the Dead A Passion for Life” written in English and “Día de los Muertos Pasión por la Vida” in Spanish, are individual publications that narrate her travels to different P’urhepecha communities of the four regions of the State of Michoacan, Mexico.

“Through the Eyes of the Soul, Day of the Dead in Mexico – Oaxaca ” is written in English and Spanish. The bilingual text in the book is accompanied by more than 60 color photographs, and highlights Día de Muertos traditions in two regions of the Mexican State of Oaxaca.

“Through the Eyes of the Soul, Day of the Dead in Mexico – Mexico City, Mixquic and Morelos” is also written in English and Spanish. The author visited museums, galleries, and cultural centers in Mexico City. Later, she traveled to Mixquic and the State of Morelos where she documented how different communities and regions celebrate the rituals.

For additional information about her books, e-book series, videos and photographs visit: and

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